It is important to support your child's learning at home. What we expect and how much you can do will obviously depend on whether your child is actually attending school. For that reason, we have a Plan A, B & C:
SPRING 2021 LOCKDOWN: Click here for details of our plans for Remote Learning during Spring 2021.
Children's University Essential Skills Challenges (February 2021)
Click here to download / view the activities. In order to gain credits, please email Mrs Rowett on [email protected] with some evidence (e.g. a photo, video, piece of writing or artwork)
Joy of Moving Winter Games
Click here to download the Joy of Moving Winter Games Pack produced by the EFL Trust. It includes a variety of games & activities you can play at home with little or no preparation. It is recommended that children be physically active for 60 minutes each day. This is more difficult than ever with lockdown and the bad weather - so we hope you'll find this useful.
Active Travel Activities
Click here to download the latest Active Travel Activities from Modeshift STARS
General Links:
All links are offered in good faith and were correct at the time of writing. Please let us know if any link is broken or not working correctly.
Oak Academy
FREE National initiative featuring information for parents and a wide range of video lessons recorded by real teachers. This was very popular during lockdown and would be able to support you if your child is needing to isolate.
Twinkl Home Learning Hub
A one-stop shop for ideas, activities, resources, worksheets etc. All you need to provide valuable home learning activities for your child. Access to the site was free during the summer term but it is now chargeable. If you are downloading resources to print, it works best on a computer / laptop but it is possible on a tablet / phone.
Education City
Click the button above. Your child should already have a username / password for this. Contact Mr Gaughan if you don't know it.
BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize have produced a wide range of resources to support children of all ages in English, Maths and some Foundation Subjects. There are videos, activities, games and quizzes to complete on screen and links to resources you can print at home.
Spelling Frame
Play a variety of games to help you learn & spell key words - suitable for all children from Year 1 upwards - no log-in required!
A username / password is required for the following sites; you should have received these via sQuid. If you haven't, please contact Mr Gaughan.
Real PE
Access a variety of physical challenges that can be done in the comfort of your own home; featuring demonstration videos and ideas to make them easier / harder.
TT Rockstars
Improve your times tables knowledge while playing a fun game.
Learn, explore and develop music and singing skills.
Books and reading sites:
Oxford Owl
Sign up for FREE to read a wide range of tablet-friendly eBooks organised by book bands.
Listen to a variety of FREE audiostories - read by professional actors.
Search for, read and rate a huge variety of funny poems for kids.
Sheffield Libraries Online
Read books online courtesy of Sheffield Libraries (sign-in required)
BookTrust: HomeTime
Free online books and videos, games, quizzes and competitions. Featuring contributions from famous authors such as Michael Morpurgo and Cressida Cowell.
Chapter One - by Scholastic
Famous authors read the opening chapters of their novels and provide you with some useful ideas for activities to be done after listening.
Activities designed to help keep your child 'happy, healthy and focussed' - watch the videos and copy the moves. There are daily activities plus lots of support for wellbeing: yoga, pilates, meditation and fitness challenges. Well worth including as part of your daily routine!
SWAP (Nuffield Health)
School Wellbeing Activity Programme - included a variety of daily challenges relating to how children eat, sleep, move and feel. This can be printed off or completed electronically.
Go Noodle!
Encourage 'Active Screen Time' using Go Noodle's impressive range of energetic games, dance routines and challenges. Your kids love it!
100 Things to do at Home
Mindfulness Activities
HeadStart Activity Booklets Y1 - Y6
Children's University Home Learning Challenges (Summer 2020)
Children's University Home Learning Challenges (Autumn 2020)
101 Reading Activities
For more resources about Mental Health / Wellbeing during this difficult time, please see the 'Coronavirus' page (under the 'Home' tab)
- Plan A: Our standard home learning offer for everyone; assumes your child is currently attending school.
- Plan B: What else your child could be doing in the event they are well but needing to isolate (e.g. whilst waiting for a test).
- Plan C: How we will cater for the whole class in the event a ‘bubble’ is closed (due to a positive case or local lockdown)
SPRING 2021 LOCKDOWN: Click here for details of our plans for Remote Learning during Spring 2021.
Children's University Essential Skills Challenges (February 2021)
Click here to download / view the activities. In order to gain credits, please email Mrs Rowett on [email protected] with some evidence (e.g. a photo, video, piece of writing or artwork)
Joy of Moving Winter Games
Click here to download the Joy of Moving Winter Games Pack produced by the EFL Trust. It includes a variety of games & activities you can play at home with little or no preparation. It is recommended that children be physically active for 60 minutes each day. This is more difficult than ever with lockdown and the bad weather - so we hope you'll find this useful.
Active Travel Activities
Click here to download the latest Active Travel Activities from Modeshift STARS
General Links:
All links are offered in good faith and were correct at the time of writing. Please let us know if any link is broken or not working correctly.
Oak Academy
FREE National initiative featuring information for parents and a wide range of video lessons recorded by real teachers. This was very popular during lockdown and would be able to support you if your child is needing to isolate.
Twinkl Home Learning Hub
A one-stop shop for ideas, activities, resources, worksheets etc. All you need to provide valuable home learning activities for your child. Access to the site was free during the summer term but it is now chargeable. If you are downloading resources to print, it works best on a computer / laptop but it is possible on a tablet / phone.
Education City
Click the button above. Your child should already have a username / password for this. Contact Mr Gaughan if you don't know it.
BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize have produced a wide range of resources to support children of all ages in English, Maths and some Foundation Subjects. There are videos, activities, games and quizzes to complete on screen and links to resources you can print at home.
Spelling Frame
Play a variety of games to help you learn & spell key words - suitable for all children from Year 1 upwards - no log-in required!
A username / password is required for the following sites; you should have received these via sQuid. If you haven't, please contact Mr Gaughan.
Real PE
Access a variety of physical challenges that can be done in the comfort of your own home; featuring demonstration videos and ideas to make them easier / harder.
TT Rockstars
Improve your times tables knowledge while playing a fun game.
Learn, explore and develop music and singing skills.
Books and reading sites:
Oxford Owl
Sign up for FREE to read a wide range of tablet-friendly eBooks organised by book bands.
Listen to a variety of FREE audiostories - read by professional actors.
Search for, read and rate a huge variety of funny poems for kids.
Sheffield Libraries Online
Read books online courtesy of Sheffield Libraries (sign-in required)
BookTrust: HomeTime
Free online books and videos, games, quizzes and competitions. Featuring contributions from famous authors such as Michael Morpurgo and Cressida Cowell.
Chapter One - by Scholastic
Famous authors read the opening chapters of their novels and provide you with some useful ideas for activities to be done after listening.
Activities designed to help keep your child 'happy, healthy and focussed' - watch the videos and copy the moves. There are daily activities plus lots of support for wellbeing: yoga, pilates, meditation and fitness challenges. Well worth including as part of your daily routine!
SWAP (Nuffield Health)
School Wellbeing Activity Programme - included a variety of daily challenges relating to how children eat, sleep, move and feel. This can be printed off or completed electronically.
Go Noodle!
Encourage 'Active Screen Time' using Go Noodle's impressive range of energetic games, dance routines and challenges. Your kids love it!
100 Things to do at Home
Mindfulness Activities
HeadStart Activity Booklets Y1 - Y6
Children's University Home Learning Challenges (Summer 2020)
Children's University Home Learning Challenges (Autumn 2020)
101 Reading Activities
For more resources about Mental Health / Wellbeing during this difficult time, please see the 'Coronavirus' page (under the 'Home' tab)