Safeguarding Policy (Sept '22)
We are proud of our robust approach to safeguarding. We follow the guidance from the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board. Click here to be taken to their website.
We are proud of our robust approach to safeguarding. We follow the guidance from the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board. Click here to be taken to their website.

The school are part of ‘Operation Encompass’. This is a joint project between schools and South Yorkshire Police and involves the prompt notification to school that a child (under 18) has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident. The school’s safeguarding term will be informed of such incidents and will use this information (in confidence) to ensure the wellbeing of the child. This will enable us to make provisions / adjustments to support the child or their family. We believe this will have a positive impact for all involved.
Communications Statement 10 Key Principles
Communications Statement 10 Key Principles