First Aid
Medication in School
In line with others Schools in the Sheffield area, we only administer medication in unavoidable circumstances and in line with our school ‘First Aid & Medicines’ Policy this available to view under Other Policies in Key Information and copies are available by request.
If your child requires medication through the school day, you must fill in a temporary medical form. The medication will only be administered if it is to be administered 4 times a day. It must have a prescription label clearly marked with your child's name, date of birth and dosage.
Calpol/paracetamol, hay fever medications, eczema creams, eye drops etc. do not need to be prescribed BUT you are still required to fill in an administering form.
No medication will be given if we do not have the correct signed forms.
Injuries at School
The school has its own medical area, and trained first aiders. Children who become injured will be assessed and the appropriate steps taken, we will make every attempt to contact parents either in person or by telephone. For minor head bumps we will send home a "Bump Note" to advise you if you need to take any further action
Illness at School
If a child is ill at school, a member of staff will contact parents/carers and arrange for the child to be collected.
Reporting an illness
Please ring the school office and inform them of your child's illness. If your child has been sick or has diarrhoea they must remain off school for 48 hours from their last incident.
Printable forms for you to fill in and bring to school.
Temporary Medicines form
Calpol Form
Asthma Form
In line with others Schools in the Sheffield area, we only administer medication in unavoidable circumstances and in line with our school ‘First Aid & Medicines’ Policy this available to view under Other Policies in Key Information and copies are available by request.
If your child requires medication through the school day, you must fill in a temporary medical form. The medication will only be administered if it is to be administered 4 times a day. It must have a prescription label clearly marked with your child's name, date of birth and dosage.
Calpol/paracetamol, hay fever medications, eczema creams, eye drops etc. do not need to be prescribed BUT you are still required to fill in an administering form.
No medication will be given if we do not have the correct signed forms.
Injuries at School
The school has its own medical area, and trained first aiders. Children who become injured will be assessed and the appropriate steps taken, we will make every attempt to contact parents either in person or by telephone. For minor head bumps we will send home a "Bump Note" to advise you if you need to take any further action
Illness at School
If a child is ill at school, a member of staff will contact parents/carers and arrange for the child to be collected.
Reporting an illness
Please ring the school office and inform them of your child's illness. If your child has been sick or has diarrhoea they must remain off school for 48 hours from their last incident.
Printable forms for you to fill in and bring to school.
Temporary Medicines form
Calpol Form
Asthma Form