Note: We are currently in the process of working with an external company to design a BRAND NEW website (to be launched soon). Therefore, the current site may contain out-of-date information. Please contact the school if you have any questions. Thank you!
I am delighted to welcome you to Wharncliffe Side Primary school, a friendly and inclusive school where children enjoy an exciting range of opportunities and make excellent progress. We are proud of the achievements of all our children.
I have worked at this school for 18 years. Having been part of the leadership team for a long time (and ‘Head of School’ during 18/19), I was overjoyed to be appointed as Headteacher from September 2019. I am looking forward to leading this wonderful school as we continue to go from strength to strength.
I am passionate about enabling all children to thrive; both personally and academically. We value children’s achievements across the curriculum and encourage a ‘growth mindset’ approach to learning. Our staff are caring, supportive and nurturing. They teach important values such as respect for others and resilience. They challenge the children to achieve their ‘personal bests’ and expect the highest standards of behaviour.
Working with five other local schools as part of ‘Peak Edge’ MAT, Wharncliffe Side Primary School is in an excellent position to make further progress. These are certainly exciting times…
The curriculum we provide at Wharncliffe Side is designed so that all children develop a thirst for learning, are motivated and engaged and have the best chance to attain high academic success. There is a strong emphasis on developing the confidence and skills to be excellent communicators in all situations.
Our website aims to provide parents, carers and families at Wharncliffe Side with up to date news and information. We would welcome any positive feedback or suggestions and ideas to develop our website further. Exploring our website is important but we encourage families to visit our school so that you can see first-hand the nurturing environment, the quality of provision and the wonderful children. This will truly help you understand what we are all about at Wharncliffe Side Primary.
Please make an appointment to visit the school by calling the school office on 0114 2862379
Regular snapshots of children's exciting learning experiences are posted on the school’s Facebook page ‘Wharncliffe Side School and Nursery’
Mr Matt Gaughan
Headteacher, Wharncliffe Side Primary School
I am delighted to welcome you to Wharncliffe Side Primary school, a friendly and inclusive school where children enjoy an exciting range of opportunities and make excellent progress. We are proud of the achievements of all our children.
I have worked at this school for 18 years. Having been part of the leadership team for a long time (and ‘Head of School’ during 18/19), I was overjoyed to be appointed as Headteacher from September 2019. I am looking forward to leading this wonderful school as we continue to go from strength to strength.
I am passionate about enabling all children to thrive; both personally and academically. We value children’s achievements across the curriculum and encourage a ‘growth mindset’ approach to learning. Our staff are caring, supportive and nurturing. They teach important values such as respect for others and resilience. They challenge the children to achieve their ‘personal bests’ and expect the highest standards of behaviour.
Working with five other local schools as part of ‘Peak Edge’ MAT, Wharncliffe Side Primary School is in an excellent position to make further progress. These are certainly exciting times…
The curriculum we provide at Wharncliffe Side is designed so that all children develop a thirst for learning, are motivated and engaged and have the best chance to attain high academic success. There is a strong emphasis on developing the confidence and skills to be excellent communicators in all situations.
Our website aims to provide parents, carers and families at Wharncliffe Side with up to date news and information. We would welcome any positive feedback or suggestions and ideas to develop our website further. Exploring our website is important but we encourage families to visit our school so that you can see first-hand the nurturing environment, the quality of provision and the wonderful children. This will truly help you understand what we are all about at Wharncliffe Side Primary.
Please make an appointment to visit the school by calling the school office on 0114 2862379
Regular snapshots of children's exciting learning experiences are posted on the school’s Facebook page ‘Wharncliffe Side School and Nursery’
Mr Matt Gaughan
Headteacher, Wharncliffe Side Primary School
Wharncliffe Side Nursery
Wharncliffe Side Nursery is a Local Authority setting with provision for children from 2 – 5 years.
We offer places between the hours of 9am & 3pm, which can be accessed in various ways, including:
15 hours free entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds. 30 hours free 3 & 4 year olds. (Subject to eligibility) 15 hours free 2 year olds. (Subject to eligibility) Purchase sessions for 2, 3 & 4 year olds.
You can put your child’s name on a Nursery register at any time from birth. You can apply for 15hrs free childcare up to 10 weeks before the end of term that your child turns two. You can apply for 30hrs free childcare up to 10 weeks before the end of term that your child turns three.
Feel free to call in, email or ring for further details and a look round.
Wharncliffe Side Primary School
Brightholmlee Lane, Wharncliffe Side, Sheffield, S35 0DD
0114 2862379
[email protected]
Get your child to school on time leaflet (click to open).
For up-to-date information follow us on our Facebook page, Wharncliffe Side School and Nursery.